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A little about us
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Answers to common questions
Open to the public group tours
What makes our tours different?
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Full Day Tour Including Baptism Robes and Ceremony
Full day private tour including all admission fees
Full day private tour including all admission fees
Full day private tour including all admission fees
Full day private tour including all admission fees & boat ride
Full day private tour including all admission fees
Full day private tour including all admission fees & cable car
8 hour, 6 hour & 4 hour options
Birth place of Jesus
Hometown of Jesus
Herods Port City
David & Saul
Where Jesus cried out in prayer
Where Jesus was crucified & buried
The capital of Israel
Where Jesus was baptised
Sermon on the mount
Triumphal entry on Palm Sunday
Where Jesus was tempted after 40 days & nights
Childhood home of Jesus
Healing of the cripple
Major site in Jesus’ ministry
Kotel & the Temple Mount
Northern tip of Israel
Roman Town
The lowest place on Earth
The Southern tip of Israel
Herod’s Mountain Fortress
The Wilderness
Dead Sea Scrolls
Adrenalin time
Where Moses wandered
A few pictures
What people say about us
A few useful links
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What is possible
Please use the form below to sign up to receive our latest offers and also new tour information before it goes live on the website.