Why Use Us?
A Christian tour of the Holy Land can be a once in a lifetime experience for many Christians so you need to ensure before you book that all of your expectations are going to met while touring Israel, and that you will leave the Holy Land feeling fulfilled, energised and ready for what God has in store for your future.
At Elbow Holy Land Tours we understand the struggle some people have had to go through to save for a Christian Tour of Israel and as such, we try to ensure that our tours of the Holy Land will be a time to remember, and a real encounter with the Lord.
Our Christian Tours of Israel – We tour as a family
As fellow Born Again Christians we don’t look at our customers as just a set of people booking a tour, but as Christian brothers and sisters who are coming to visit their family in Israel. As such, all of our tours of the Holy Land are carried out in a very unique way – we tour the Holy Land as a family; a family of believers in Christ.
We find that running tours in this way always proves more rewarding, not only for Christians visiting but also for our staff. Having fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, as we tour the land where Yeshua lived, died and was resurrected, always strengthens our faith and gives us fresh revelation as we visit the locations spoke of in the Bible.
We Tour the Holy Land – with Yeshua as our guide
As born again believers we understand that the best way to guide a tour around the Holy Land is to allow the Lord to be the tour guide, not us. With this in mind, even though we provide itinerary’s to Christian Groups, each morning we pray to hear the leading of Yeshua, and if He says we are not to go somewhere or change the plan, then this is what we do. We do however, ensure that all sites / places listed on itineraries are visited throughout the tour – we simply don’t limit the Lord by sticking so rigidly to schedules that any work He may want to do (in people or at specific times / locations) is negated.
Our tours are all Spirit led, fun and enlightening but Yeshua is always at the heart of everything we do.
We offer Biblical Tours of Israel – but not religious ones!
During our tours of the Holy Land believers get to visit all of the Biblical locations around Israel but we are not the type of tour company who pray and worship at every location we go to. If the Lord leads us to pray at a certain location, or worship, then we do it but we don’t just do these things because we feel we must. Many other tour companies, offering Christian Tours, seem to have the approach that the way Christians expect tours of Israel to be conducted is to recite prayers and sing songs or hymns at each site they visit. Even though this may be fine for some Christians, we try to lead our tours in a living, Spirit filled way.
If Yeshua puts it on your heart to pray and sing, then go for it; He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He deserves all the Glory. But if the Lord is not leading people to do this, then our way is not to force people to go through religious observances just for the sake of tradition.
A tour of the Holy Land is a Spiritual journey, where Yeshua will work wonders in hearts and minds, but it is also a time for fun, laughter, freedom and joy in Christ Jesus.
We tour Israel – but at an easy pace
One of the gripes we have about some of the tours that are offered in Israel for Christians, is the way people are herded on and off busses while rushing from site to site, just to meet timelines and deadlines. At the end of those tours most people have no idea where they have / have not been too, and all too often feel quite let down that certain places they really wanted to spend time at were over and done with before they got their feet off the bus.
All of our tours are conducted at a very easy going pace, quite often with the emphasis been on the visitors to choose how long they stay at a location, obviously with guidance from our guides as to the plan for the rest of the day. We want all our our visitors to feel they have experienced all that the Holy Land has to offer, and to leave feeling refreshed and fulfilled.
Most days our itinerary’s will start between 8:30 – 9:30am and we will be back to our accommodation for teatime, with plenty of time to relax, swim and enjoy the evening.
Before you use us – Pray! (no, we are not that bad!!)
We hope that the information above has given you a few reasons or pointers as to why Elbow Holy Land Tours may be the right tour company for you to use for your Christian Group Tour of the Holy Land, but like everything else, don’t just take our word for it. Please pray to the Lord for guidance. Ask Him to lead you to the correct tour company to use for your Christian Tour of Israel. If the Lord puts on your heart to use us, then we will do our best to put together the best tour possible for you at the price you can afford. If He leads you somewhere else, then we pray all the blessing possible over your tour and the people leading you.
Our way of viewing the situation is this: if the Lord has sent you to our company then we will be blessed if we do our best for you. The measure we pour into you, and your tour, will be the measure we get back out of it – and better still, the people the Lord sends to us have been sent for a reason. These people are our family in Christ, and we need to honour them and bless them during their time with us. That way we give glory to our Father in Heaven and build life long relationships with our Christian family, even after the tour is done.
Blessings in Yeshua,
The Elbow Holy Land Tours Team